Your donation will help launch young leaders and their unlimited potential!
Donations from within the USA
Donations to the Florence Leadership Academy from within the United States are tax-deductible thanks to our partner Regina Apostolorum Foundation Inc., a public charity with 501(c)(3) status in the United States. The Regina Apostolorum Foundation Inc. tax identification number is 85-4233106.
- Regina Apostolorum Foundation, Inc
- Bank: Truist
- Account: 5247849698
- Routing: 061113415
- Reason: Florence Leadership Academy
Donations from within Europe
Associazione Mission Network, the legal entity of which the Florence Leadership Academy is a part, is a private association, legally constituted according to article 36 and following of the Italian Civil Code, which promotes religious, cultural, formative, recreational activities to foster the construction of a civil and Christian society, according to the statute itself. An official receipt or letter of acknowledgement will be delivered to benefactors supporting this initiative.
- Beneficiary: Associazione Mission Network
- Address: Borgo Pinti 86. 50121 Florence, FI, ITALY
- Tax number ID (Codice Fiscale): 97621080585
- Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
- IBAN: IT62 X030 6909 6061 0000 0063 155
- Reason: Florence Leadership Academy
- Contact email: [email protected]